Write a review File a complaint

Complaint Registration Form

Quick guide to writing an effective complaint

Please enter the name of the company you’re complaining about (for example Nokia, Asus, McDonald's, etc.) Do not enter any personal names, phrases like “washing machine” (do you know any company called “Washing Machine”? We don’t), “home,” “bank,” etc.

We hope you understand that this makes no sense, and it’ll be pretty hard to resolve a complaint addressed to no one.


Other customers and companies need to understand your issue to help you, so please summarize your experience in a few words, for example: “incorrect order,” “payment not received,” “unauthorized credit card charges,” etc. instead of stating “scam,” “rip off,” “liars.”


Be as specific as possible
Do not forget that your review may be helpful to other customers. Moreover, the more details you provide, the easier it will be for the company’s customer service to resolve your issue.

Please include the following information for a faster resolution:
  • date and time of the incident;
  • full description of what exactly happened;
Oh, and something else important:
  • do not include your personal information;
  • respect the right to private life and do not post other people’s personal information or full names;
  • avoid using abusive language and CAPITAL letters.

After all, your complaint should be easy to read and understand.
Thank you!

0 / min 350ch

Indicate the financial or other loss you've incurred due to the issue, e.g., '$100' or '2 weeks of service'.


Please provide the desired outcome you would like, for example: “Please refund,” “I’d appreciate a response,” “I would like an apology,” etc.

The company can’t read your mind and, therefore, can’t decide what you want on your behalf.


Enter the exact location where the incident took place. If you are not sure of the address, use any popular landmark nearby.

Please do not use phrases like “I don’t know,” “not available,” etc. We very much doubt that the I Don’t Know location actually exists


Do you have photos or videos that could prove the truth of your words? Share them with others. This will surely increase the credibility of your complaint.

Add photos/videos You can add up to 5MB in total
Allowed file formats: jpeg, png, gif, mp4, avi, mov, mpeg
Attach a file (if any)
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